Does Oxygen in Skincare Really Work?

In skincare, the term oxygenation is used to describe treatments that boost hydration, increase new cell growth and provide soothing benefits. Technically, however, oxidation is the interaction that occurs when substances like metals or living tissue come in contact with oxygen molecules and is eventually responsible for its rust and degradation.  This is why a freshly-cut apple turns brown and certain metals left out in the elements rust or turn green.   In our skin, ‘oxidative stress’ is one of the most prominent precursors of aging and something we invest heavily in trying to combat.

So even though bubbly masks and cool oxygen blasts make us feel good, do they provide actual benefits for our skin, or even worse, (gasp) are they causing damage? These are among the crucial topics I’ve been researching so Crystal Alchemy products don’t just offer lip service and a pretty bottle but deliver safe and effective formulas that build the health of your skin, with UNDENIABLE results.

I know how easy it is to get caught up in pretty packaging and exotic ingredient lists that promise to eradicate all your skin worries and yield exciting transformation. I am definitely not immune to the allure of great marketing.  In reality though, does the fluff and puff actually measure up to our expectations or do we find ourselves continually disappointed and minimally impressed at best?

To ensure CRYSTAL ALCHEMY’s results  are backed by science, I have acquired active ingredients from an award winning lab in Switzerland who are experts in biotechnology and biochemistry, hold patented stem cell and encapsulation technologies and transform naturally derived plant compounds into truly functional bioactive cosmetic ingredients. In addition, I’ve been working closely with an organic chemist to bust any marketing myths and focus on what matters most.  SAFE and RAPID RESULTS.

My current vision for an initial product launch includes powerful serum mask duos that provide professional results and sensory effects like warming, cooling and bubbling that would help provide therapeutic benefits such as oxygenation benefits. Although my chemist thinks a client’s experience is enhanced by the sensation of the’ bubbles’, (which in itself would add notable benefits to the mask), he isn’t convinced there are any measurable benefits to oxygenated skincare.  Total record scratch.

He explained that oxygen is acquired through our lungs, processed and redistributed to our blood which is responsible for providing oxygen to our organs, tissues, skin, hair, nails etc. Since our skin does not have it’s own respiratory system, oxygen can’t be absorbed topically.   Hold UP. So what about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy works by releasing oxygen rich air into a pressurized chamber.   The air pressure is increased 3 times more than usual air pressure, which makes more oxygen available for you to breathe, stimulating the release of stem cells and growth factors to assist with wound healing, acne or other skin issues.

Oxygen facials claim to apply localized “pressurized oxygen” similar to that of hyperbaric chambers,  but he’s not convinced it actually provides the same effects. According to medical research on the topic, the effects we see after an oxygen facial are actually from the humectants that are used in conjunction with these treatments, not the “oxygen” blast itself.

In addition, he explained that we actually want to avoid oxidation which can irreversibly damage our collagen, elastin and even our DNA… and that’s why we apply antioxidants. UM DUH. I can’t believe how I missed this.

To make you feel better, since our skin doesn’t absorb oxygen from the air, applying oxygen to the skin won’t accelerate aging, but an oxygen treatment coupled with antioxidants will pretty much be a wash.

OK, so although we won’t be applying oxygen to our skin anytime soon, it’s still important to have oxygenated skin. Right?!

UM as resounding YES!  Oxygenated skin  is clear, hydrated, bright, and dewy while skin which lacks oxygen can appear dull, congested, dehydrated and showing early signs of visible aging.   Smokers, for example, have less oxygen available in their bodies, which contributes to premature wrinkles and pigmentation.

So how can we safely and effectively  increase our levels of oxygen , aside from scheduling a hyperbaric oxygen session?

  • Massage is a great way to oxygenate the skin as it releases tension in muscles to stimulate more circulation and blood flow.  This means that facial tools like jade rollers, guasha, cupping and the Epic tool from Osmosis actually help stimulate circulation speeding up cell renewal and more ultimately more collagen production.

  • We can exercise, stretch, do inversions to increase oxygen flow as well.

  • Supplementing with chlorophyll, Vitamin A, B12, Folate, Vitamin C and Alpha Lipoic Acid

  • Spices like cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne pepper and ginger can increase blood flow

  • Fresh Air: Spending more time in nature will provide an environment for you to soak up more oxygen.  Plants soak in CO2 and release oxygen into the atmosphere.

  • Applying topical ANTIOXIDANTS improve skin defense against environmental damage and prevent the degradation of collagen induced by oxidation, scavenge free radicals limiting damage to cell membranes, DNA, skin proteins helping repair wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, dullness, dryness, loss of tone, and uneven texture.

What to avoid in order to protect our oxygen reserves:

  • Being exposed to high levels of pollution and or chemicals

  • Consuming excessive amounts of processed foods, alcohol or cigarettes

  • Using products with hydrogen peroxide (liquid oxygen) causes oxidative and the release of free radicals

Our goal with regard to our skincare routine should be to arming ourself internally as well as topically with ingredients and ingredients that reduce inflammation, protect our collagen, elastin and DNA while helping maximize our cell processes, communication and energy. Hope you enjoyed this episode of the Beauty Blog.


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