How We Age is 80-90% In Our Control

Live long and look good doing it. At 46 years young, that’s kinda my new jam. As part of the High Vibration Community, I know vibrant skin and radiant health is important to you too. Outside the treatment room, my goal is to deliver relevant information in fun and practical ways to boost your facial results, home […]

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

I’ve spent a lot of time unraveling my subconscious mind to understand its influence in my life. ⠀⁣ Even though I’ve learned not to make stories about things, my body lets me know when I’m affected, even if I don’t want to be. When I’m “triggered”, my body is flooded with heart palpitations, anxiety, stomach […]

Rising Out of the Ashes

Do you think everything happens for a reason? I do. I’ve always believed in a celestial force that is rooting for me, nudging me towards my life’s purpose, providing endless growth opportunities, chance meetings and auspicious guidance. If we see all life’s events as lessons, even the failures, the heartbreaks and illnesses will inevitably unveil […]

Silence, Resistance and the Power of Rituals

I’ve never completely unplugged with no access to texts, emails, Spotify, Instagram OR Netflix for more than a day. It’s hard to believe I survived a Complete Urban Detox for an entire week. Aside from an emergency number provided to my family, I was all ALONE. I had some initial reservations and anxiety about detaching […]

Important Self-Care Habits to Adopt for Your Mental Well-Being


Article Written by guest author Brad Krause at: Practicing self-care is a key to addressing mental well-being, which can also affect other areas of your life (for example, Psychreg explains dental health and depression are closely linked). Not only does proper self-care support you physiologically, but it also supports you psychologically and emotionally, as […]

Why the Skin Ph is So Important

Did you know that the pH of your skin can determine how healthy, glowing and vibrant it is? Thats because the skin’s pH plays a key role in maintaining a healthy and strong lipid barrier, providing a thriving environment for your skin’s microbiome and immune system. In the health and wellness community, we are encouraged […]

Combat Winter Dryness

Winter is upon us and seasonal changes affect our skin, causing it to be dry and lacking luster. Harsh winter cold air prevents our skin from retaining moisture as it evaporates quickly. In order to combat winter skin blues, It’s important we feed our skin and body’s adequate nutrients, boost blood flow and sebum production […]

Does Oxygen in Skincare Really Work?

In skincare, the term oxygenation is used to describe treatments that boost hydration, increase new cell growth and provide soothing benefits. Technically, however, oxidation is the interaction that occurs when substances like metals or living tissue come in contact with oxygen molecules and is eventually responsible for its rust and degradation.  This is why a […]

Are Zombie Cells Making You Age Faster?


As the warmer months approach, you may be upping your game when it comes to sun protection, but a new area of study may make you look at how you protect your skin against environmental damage. One of the newer areas of study in terms of longevity and healthy aging are a phenomenon known as […]

4 Ways to Boost Confidence When Heading Back Out Into the World

Written by guest writer Brad Krause from Self Care Info The world is opening back up and it’s your time to shine in it. You may be feeling a little anxious about heading back out into it, though, and that’s perfectly natural. Check out these ideas to boost your self-confidence and ensure you’re heading back […]