Elevate Your Essence: Pioneering Personal Progress in Self-Care
Elevate Your Essence: Pioneering Personal Progress in Self-Care By Guest Author Brad Krause Well-being and self-care are essential ingredients in the recipe for a fulfilling life. These components are not just the garnish on the plate of day-to-day living; they are the main course, crucial to our existence and overall joy. These effective strategies from […]
10 Habits That Are Secretly Sabotaging Your Skin
10 Habits That Are Secretly Sabotaging Your Skin At Ingrid Thompson Skincare, we believe that radiant skin is a reflection of a balanced, fulfilling life. While your skin’s health isn’t just about appearance—it is a key part of your overall well-being and confidence. Today, we’re uncovering ten silent culprits that could be undermining your skin’s […]
Why You Need A Toner
1. Toners are crucial to the cleansing process. Toner removes the final residue of make-up, dirt & oil leftover cleanser and unless you are using filtered water to cleanse your skin, there is chlorine, calcium, flouride and other heavy metals in the water that will be left on the skin. When the chemicals dry, they […]
Understanding Food Cravings and Addictions
I think we’ve all experienced emotional eating at some point whether it was to ease boredom, soothe uncomfortable emotions or even celebrate, rather than to satisfy REAL hunger. We may even have felt powerless to our cravings. Unfortunately, emotional hunger can’t be satisfied with food and perpetuates a self defeating cycle of guilt and shame. How […]
Travel Health Tips
Have you ever gotten back from a relaxing getaway only to feel like you needed a vacation from your vacation? Why do plane rides make you feel so dehydrated? If you love to travel but don’t like feeling jet-lagged, the following tips will help reduce bloat and fatigue and help you stay healthy and on […]
Allergic Reactions to Skincare
I love trying new products, exploring new foods and am always searching for the most advanced ways to reduce the effects of aging. I’ve learned the hard way that while being adventurous is a positive trait, there are some things to consider before diving in. It may not seem like a big deal to introduce something […]
Nutrition for Stress
Stress is the leading cause of illnesses, depression, and anxiety. In our modern world, stress is a simple fact of life for most of us, sometimes can even serve as motivation to meet challenges and goals. But when gone undetected and unmanaged, constant daily stressors such as long commutes stuck in traffic, relationship/family problems, and […]
Curing Eczema and Other Mystery Rashes
Eczema. UGH!! What a pain in the butt! Anyone who has suffered from eczema knows that symptoms can be downright debilitating physically, emotionally and spiritually. Painful rashes, sleepless nights, shame, and feeling disconnected from life and other people. You may even have heard that eczema is an incurable condition that can only be managed with cortisone, Benadryl and […]
Trapped Emotions and the Skin
Have you considered releasing trapped emotions in your body (and skin) as part of your beauty regime? Flawless skin, vibrant health, That’s what we want, isn’t it? Some of us will do just about anything for it. You could say I’m in that camp. I’ve had leech facials, mud baths, carbon dioxide injections, ozone therapy, […]
Complexion Perfection
Do you ever wake up feeling on top of the world, look in the mirror, and think, “WOW!! My skin looks AMAZING!!” BEST. FEELING. EVER!! Wouldn’t you agree?! I wish this for everyone. From personal experience, I know how debilitating skin problems can be. In my early 20’s, I dealt with painful cystic acne that kept […]